She said, “i like u”.
When feelings go green
When camaraderie is unseen
When path is together strewn

But then i like you even more
So give me a term of yore
That better suits us for sure.

She said, “i love u”.
When the cupid's arrow hits u
When all love stories befits u
When stoic objects greet u

But then i love u even more
So give me a term of yore
That better suits us for sure.

She said, “i adore u”.
When love reaches the next level
When affinity & romance makes u revel
When wings of fantasy ensure u travel

But then i adore u even more
So give me a term of yore
That better suits us for sure.

She said, “i need u”.
When the fire of passion takes over
When the heart takes a pulse slower
When the inferno doesn’t need a blower

But then i need u even more
So give me a term of yore
That better suits us for sure.

She said, “i want u”.
When the touch seems indispensible,
When the flame is irrepressible,
When the pain is insurmountable

But then i want u even more
So give me a term of yore
That better suits us for sure.

She said, “if you want a better term for sure
Look into my eyes and let it lure
And you will read the unwritten encore
Eyes convey the unsaid feelings pure"
Surely i couldn’t have differed any more.


  1. Too good!!
    "inferno doesn’t need a blower", you are a true mechanical engineer for sure!! :)


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